AboutDelphis MDC

There is a careful study on the dolphins that live around the island of Ischia. The union of scientists and enthusiasts rises a commitment to the preservation of a key area for the dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. Seven different species frequent our coast to breed and feed, seven different species of marine mammals. Fin whale, the giant of our seas Misticete, summer grazing a few miles from our homes, Delphinus delphis, the rare and endangered species of the Mediterranean gives birth to its young along our coasts.
In ten years of study, the researchers of StudioMare have highlighted the special biodiversity of the sea of Ischia, an important habitat for marine mammals in the Mediterranean Sea. The search and the area to be protected are focused in the submarine canyon of Cuma, located along the north coast of the island, the canyon is a breeding site and feeding ground for seven species of cetaceans.
Delphis Mediterranean Dolphin Conservation was established to support research and for dissemination to the public of the problems of dolphins and their environment.
The Association supports the inclusion of the submarine canyon of Cuma in the affected area to the future delimitation of the marine protected "Neptune's Kingdom", the islands of Ischia, Procida and Vivara, proposed by the Ministry of Environment.
Delphis Mediterranean Dolphin Conservation ssupports the missions of "dolphin therapy" in the environment. Many children with disabilities who have received help from an encounter with dolphins.
The organization is working against the preservation of whales and dolphins in captivity in aquariums.
Address: Via Zaro, 22
Town: 80075 - Forio
Tel. e Fax: 081 989578
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web: www.delphismdc.org
Bus lines: 1 - 14 - 2 - CD - CS