New Parking


Descrizione New Parking

Attended car park h24, Daily rate € 11 (VAT excluded). Free transfer to and from the port for those going on a cruise (minimum 4 day stopover in the port).

How to reach us

For those coming from the highway A1 Rome-Naples, Napoli-Bari A16 and A3 Naples-Salerno: Release soon after Airport Exit highway No. 4 Course Malta Head Office Central Station After passing the toll booth, continue straight on Corso Malta Turn right in the direction of Piazza Carlo III - via Foria, you will find the arrow NEW PARKING. At the roundabout way Lahalle Colonel, turn right. Down the street is visible luminous sign NEW PARKING, situated at the parking.


Telephone reservations from 8.00 to 20.00 on weekdays by calling 081 2311731 or by sending an email to: prenotazione@newparking.itThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
 logoNew Parking
Naples - 80141
Via della Piazzolla 18b
+39 0812311731
cell: +39 3333036731
info@newparking.itThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
sito New Parking

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