Visit Ischia

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Hours and lines of bus in Ischia and Naples

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HOURS EAVBUS ISCHIA       numero-verde-eav-bus

 Winter hours Spring hours Summer hours Summer hours from 15/08/2013  Summer hours from 16/09/2013  Autumn hours



To check the public transport hopurs of the municipality of Naples, visit


Ticket- UNICO

For residents and commuters


Prices for tourists and others

Ticket valid 60 minutes € 1,10 Ticket valid 90 minutes € 1,90
One-way Ticket (buy on board) € 2,50 One-way Ticket (buy on board) € 2,50
Ticket valid from 00.00 to 24.00 € 6,00 Ticket valid from 6.00 to 6.00 € 6,00
    Ticket valid 2 days € 10,00
Monthly season tiket (*) € 33,00 Ticket valid 3 days € 13,00

Annual students subscription (*)

€ 170,00 Ticket valid 7 days (*) € 26,00
    Ticket valid 14 days (*) € 40,00
    Monthly season tiket (**) € 70,00
(*) with ID card
(**) with SEPSA card

Tickets are available until June 15th 2011. So, from June 16th persons without tickets on board, will be fined under the law 13/1998. The expired tickets can be delivered at offices in Via M. Mazzella 127/129 – 80077, Ischia, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10,00 to 13,30. To obtain new available tickets by the 31.07.2011.

Special Family Season Ticket

Type Paid Discount Price
Season ticket = 2 € 63,00 € 3,00 € 66,00
Season ticket = 3 € 90,00 € 9,00 € 99,00
Season ticket = 4 € 110,00 € 22,00 € 132,00

In addition to 4 elements: € 20,00 every new season ticket.
To the season ticket: ID card, one photo, residence and family certificate.

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