Amore beach
Small beach with large grains of sand. Situated in a small bay near...
San Pancrazio
The beach of San Pancrazio is small beach, with pebbles...
The Scarrupata includes the coastal area from punta San Pancrazio to...
Maronti beach
Probably there is not tourist that landing in Ischia doesn't know...
The beach of Bagnitielli with famous bathing and thermal centre, is situated in...
Marina beach
The small beaches of eliporto, marina and convento, surrounded by...
Convento beach
The beach has fine sand and shallow floors. It's reachable through 50 steps but...
Punta Caruso
Punta Caruso is the most estreme side of Forio, beautiful place, immerse in...
San Francesco beach
The beach of San Francesco is situated just a short walk from the port ...
Chiaia beach
The beach of Chiaia, long and sandy, is part of the right side of the port of Forio...
Velisti beach
The beach of velisti is adjoining the port of Forio and the sailing club "Yacht Club Vela.it" ...
Cava dell'Isola beach
The beach of Cava dell’isola consists of sand and large black pebbles
Citara beach
The beach is the famous meeting place for tourists in summer....
Sorgeto beach
Sorgeto is an inlet, a real thermal park in the open air. Polle...
Cafiero bay
The bay of Cafiero is situated between the beach of Inglesi and Castiglione. Small...
Inglesi beach
The beach of inglesi is situated inside the inlet of Sant' Alessandro, small and sandy...
Lido Ischia
The beach of Ischia is situated at 50 meters from the Piazzetta, historical island meeting place...
Pescatori beach
It's a picturesque beach with fine sand immersed in a characteristic landscape...
Cartaromana bay
Typical feature is the warm bath, thanks to the effect of the natural spas ...
San Pietro beach
The beach of San Pietro consists of fine sand and shallow floors, not far away from...
San Montano bay
With its shallow floors and limpid water, inside an inlet where St. Restituta landed from Africa...
Small beach, rocky to the sides and centre. Floors rich in Posidonia and marine fauna...
Fungo beach
Finesand and shallow floors, because protected by cliffs, suitable for children...
Fundera beach
Small beach with fine sand that goes down, suitable for families and children...
Marina di Pithaecusa
Marina di Pithaecusa is a new beach, consists of fine sand and crystal water...
Cava Grado beach
Among sheer drops from the cliff to the sea, we find oasis of peace. A small inlet with...
S. Angelo beach
One of the most suggestive corner of Ischia, is certainly Sant' Angelo, ancient village...
Fumarole beach
Just a short walk from St. Angelo and the thermal park Aphrodite Apollon, overlooking...
Cava Ruffano beach
Crystal clear and green sea and a few bathers make this beach an oasis of peace ..