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You are here: Spas and Wellness Therapies and Treatments Motor disorders

Locomotory Apparatus THERAPIES

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Apparato locomotoreDegenerative artropathy (all osteoarthrosis manifestations), chrinic inflammatory rheumathisms in the quiescent phase and their results, articular gout and ureic artropathy myositis, fybrosis, myalgia, nevralgia, periarthritis, functional recovery of limb lesions following orthopeadic operations,
algodisthophic sydrome.

Crenotherapic techniques:

in individual baths
in collective pools
with special baths (hydromassages ect.)
Biological effects of fangobalneotherapy:
anti-inflammatory action
antalgic action
maiorelaxing action
increased resistance to patogenic noxe,
metabolic effects
effects on general coenesthesia.

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