Description of the trail
Unique experience, walking among wild headlands, bump, hills, plains, forests, quarries and tuff walls up to the sea, and especially along the route searching out the traces of history and the social fabric of the island.It starts from Piazza of Searrara and continues into the wild and fascinating landscape on the west side of the island (Forio), up to the Frassitielli wood. In the forest locust trees provide shade to rocks covered with moss, lichens, and wild fennel. The undergrowth is the realm of wild rabbit that has played and plays a key role in the local culinary tradition. Going along the path you are immersed in the woods of Falanga, where the reality meets fantasy. In fact in this forest of chestnut trees you can find the typical holes (ditches of snow) and the shelters dug in the tuff boulders fell down from Epomeo, as a result of tectonic subsidence (the so-called Stone house), boulders that have rolled down to the sea. Out of the wood, as if by magic here appears a small village and a church, it is Santa Maria al Monte, the upper part of Forio, the arrival point of this intense journey.

Duration: 4 h about
Difference in altitude: about 100 m
Descent: about 500 m
Maximum altitude: about 600 m
Development of the trail: about 10 Km
Start: Serrara, reached by bus line CD and CS
Arival: Forio
Path: Serrara, Bosco dei Frassitielli, Bosco della Falanga, Chiesa di Santa Maria al Monte, Forio (via Bocca)
Equipment: trekking shoes and clothing (preferably long pants), water.
Arrival point:: Serrara (Ristorante Bracconiere)