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Alfonso Di Spigna

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Alfonso Di Spigna, the painter of melancholy, was born in Lacco Ameno on January 1, 1697 by Dionisio and Lucia Castaldo and died on November 1st 785 at the age of 88 years. He was buried in the congregation of the laity of St. Mary of the Assumption in Lacco and during the earthquake of 1983 the bones of the painter went missing in the collapse of that congregation. Pupil of Francesco Solimena, spent part of his youth in Genoa, where he lived about seven years. He had to return to Ischia before 1735, because in this year are registered payments on their behalf at the church of St. Our Lady of Loreto and the Congregation of Visitapoveri. The painter was a member of this congregation until his death, holding important positions. From the news of his life we have the image of an artist well integrated into the island’s life in 700s, active and well-paid landowner who, in the words of the priest Domenico Marone in the death certificate quotes: "he spent his life well". In the church of St. Sebastian, are preserved two paintings, "The Annunciation" and "The Archangel Gabriel with Tobias".

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