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Tommaso Calise

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(Lacco Ameno 1909-Rome 1964). Major General. At an early age he moved with his family toTaranto, where his father, Marshal, serving in the Navy. After the first studies in 1929 he entered the Academy of Infantry and Cavalry of Modena. On January 22, 1941, in command of the Armoured Division Ariete, left for Africa Northern Italian. On the battlefield was heroic fighter, driver of missions, earning several decorations, including the German Iron Cross II class, that on the contrary he stepped and threw away when there was the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine. On May 7, 1942, King Vittorio Emanuele III conferred upon him the honor of Knight of the Order of the Star of colonial Italy. During the Olympic Games in Rome in 1960, he held the command of the Military Group. The town of Lacco Ameno has decided to name a street.

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